Atavus improves defensive performance and maximizes player safety through data-driven tackle training and assessment.
Atavus empowers football programs to improve defensive performance and player safety through tackling, using data analysis and video review. Evaluating over 80 data points on every tackle, Atavus delivers actionable insights through customized reports and detailed tackle plans. The patented Atavus Tackling System leverages analytics from their database of over 50,000 graded tackles.
Data-driven football tackle analytics
Training & Performance Software
Growing opportunities
Youth football participation has declined due to parental concerns about injuries, which has translated to lower college and professional football participation, and is further compounded by injuries that take players off the field, or send them into early retirement. Atavus has developed a tackling solution that is not only safer, but improves defensive performance as well, and is on track to partner with XOS – the leading digital platform college and pro teams use for game footage review – further integrating Atavus into the most lucrative football markets.