www.vrfitnessinsider.com • Press Release – updated: Jan 2, 2020
Two virtual reality companies are joining forces to provide Major League Baseball players with even more ways to train. Monsterful VR has acquired an exclusive license to baseball technology developed by TrinityVR, and will integrate its existing system to make it easier than ever for players to practice. This includes not just the professionals, but younger players, as well.
Enhanced performance across skill levels
TrinityVR has already seen its DiamondFX simulation software being used by multiple Major League Baseball teams. The software allows players to pick up on different pitching styles and practice their hitting before they step up to the plate in a real game. Monsterful VR’s own RibeeVR platform, meanwhile, has allowed amateur players to adjust to different skills and ages of pitchers during their practicing.
“We are big believers in the impact that interactive VR will have on player development at all levels of baseball,” said Monsterful executive chairman Brian Kopp in a press release. “Combining the TrinityVR technology with our world-class development team allows Monsterful to work with players from MLB to youth academies.”
TrinityVR simulates real pitches through a combination of “biomechanics and pitcher composition.” It’s able to accurately simulate things like flight path and spin, making for more useful practice sessions.
Those looking to see the two companies’ technology in action can do so at the American Baseball Coaches Association Convention in Nashville. It’s running from January 2 through January 5.
Monsterful and TrinityVR are not the only two companies attempting to win over Major League Baseball organizations, however. WIN Reality has developed its own system that lets players see specific pitchers ahead of time. It has the potential to put pitchers at a disadvantage, as batters can know their repertoire, delivery, and any idiosyncrasies in advance. In the past, this warming-up period would occur in a game, with batters more prepared after facing a pitcher in one or two at-bats.